February 23, 2022
Just as with the rest of your body, age affects your eyes. After you reach the four-decade mark, the eye's natural internal lenses become less supple. It’s no longer as easy for them to focus from near to far. As the lenses lose their elasticity, it’s harder for you to see up-close. The condition is called presbyopia and may call for reading glasses.
Have you started to experience any of these symptoms of presbyopia?
- You get a headache and/or your eyes ache when you read, sew or perform other close work.
- You must hold reading materials at arm’s length to get them in focus.
- It’s tough to see small print in dim light.
If so, an optometrist will examine your eyes and write you a prescription whose power is based on the results. If you already wear glasses for distance, you may need to consider upgrading to bifocals, trifocals or progressive lenses.
Some people try to correct presbyopia with the over-the-counter reading glasses, called cheaters. Keep in mind, however, that cheaters’ prescriptions probably won’t be the precise strength you need and could lead to eye strain. An optometrist’s prescription will be spot-on.
Reading glasses’ strengths are measured in units called diopters. The weakest strength prescribed is typically 0.50 diopters. The prescription powers increase by .25 diopters and will be customized for each eye to provide you the best vision possible.
You can rely on the office of Drs. Chandler & Davis for excellent optometric care. All of our clients sense the quality of our services as soon as they walk through our doors. Our friendly staff looks forward to meeting you and providing you with tailored service, devotion and attention to detail. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.
The information on this site is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice and does not substitute for consultation with optometrist, ophthalmologist or any other medical professional. If you have any questions about your individual situation, please contact your optometrist or ophthalmologist.
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